10 questions to ask bush before the war.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Found this on a www.liberterian.org. THought it may be intersting fodder for conversation/debate.

(1) Isn’t it possible that invading Iraq will cause more terrorism than it prevents?

“The al-Qaeda network has explicitly threatened to murder innocent Americans in retaliation for a U.S. raid on Iraq,” Neale said. “Why hasn’t Mr. Bush addressed this possibility?

“Even General Wesley Clark, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, says: ‘Attacking Iraq will detract from our primary mission against al-Qaeda, supercharge anti-American sentiment in the Arab street and boost al-Qaeda's recruiting.’ Is Gen. Clark wrong?”

(2) If Saddam is really a threat to the Middle East, why do his neighbors seem to fear him less than the U.S. government does?

“None of the countries bordering Iraq have been clamoring for the United States to protect them from Saddam,” Neale noted. “So how can Bush argue that Saddam poses a threat to a nation halfway around the globe?”

(3) Why do you maintain that Iraq poses a more immediate threat than North Korea?

“North Korean leader Kim Jong-il admits that he has nuclear weapons capable of hitting U.S. targets, and brags that he can ‘win’ a nuclear war with the United States,” Neale said. “Please explain why Americans should fear Iraq more than this belligerent, and apparently unstable, communist dictator.”

(4) Why do you believe a U.S.-led “regime change” will do any more good in Iraq than it did in Panama, Haiti, or Bosnia?

“Like previous presidents, the Bush administration promises to topple a tyrant and liberate the nation,” Neale observed. “But if the history of U.S. intervention is any guide, Bush will merely replace one dictator with another.”

(5) You say Saddam has refused to comply with U.N. weapons inspectors. Does that mean that you intend to subject Americans to U.N. mandates in the future?

“No one should be surprised if this notoriously anti-American agency decrees that it’s our turn to submit to a weapons inspection, or demands that U.S. troops be sent into a bloody, pointless battle overseas,” Neale said.

“Yet how could Mr. Bush refuse such requests without being denounced as a hypocrite? And how could he comply without betraying U.S. sovereignty?”

(6) You point out that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction that “could” be turned over to terrorists. But couldn’t the same be said of Pakistan, North Korea, and dozens of other nations? And do you intend to launch pre-emptive strikes against them as well?

“Bombing Iraq because of what it ‘might’ do would set a frightening precedent,” Neale said. “Imagine the global chaos that would result if every nation followed Bush’s example, and you’ll understand how reckless a first-strike policy is.”

(7) Won’t attacking Iraq make Saddam more likely to launch a biological or chemical attack?

“During the Gulf War, the Iraqi leader apparently decided that unleashing such devastating weapons was not in his self-interest,” Neale observed. “But this time Saddam knows he is targeted personally – which means he has nothing to lose. If Bush really wants to avoid such a catastrophe, he can prove it by keeping U.S. troops out of Iraq.”

( Considering that many of the September 11 hijackers were Saudi nationals – not Iraqis – why haven’t you publicly accused the Saudi government of sponsoring terrorism?

“Bush has struggled mightily to produce a link between Iraq and the 9/11 terrorists, while refusing to address allegations of Saudi complicity,” Neale said. “The grieving families of the 9/11 victims have a right to know why.”

(9) Why have you stopped mentioning the name of the one individual who has been most closely linked to the 9/11 attacks: Osama bin Laden?

“Bush’s interest in the world’s most-wanted terrorist seems to have vanished mysteriously into the caves of Tora Bora,” Neale said. “So it’s understandable for Americans to wonder if invading Iraq is Bush’s way of punishing Saddam Hussein for the crimes of bin Laden.”

(10) Finally, Mr. President, if your Iraq policy is so successful, why are Americans more afraid than ever?

“As the attack against Iraq draws near, the Homeland Security Department has raised the terrorist threat level to orange; started to educate the nation about how to cope with dirty bombs and chemical attacks; and warned panicky Americans to stockpile food, water and medical supplies,” Neale said.

“If this policy is a success, how would we measure failure?”

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I would love to hear a response from some of you ardent conservatives who continue to call thos with dissenting view commie's and traitors.

It would be really cool if you rubuffed the questions, rather than make a simple minded insult.
Hi Chonce.

Good post. There are a bunch a war hungry posters here who think by the USA obtaining Iraqi oil, it will somehow prevent the USA from being targets of terrorism. The Government has tried to rid prostitution for years and can't, but they think they can rid terrorism by other countries by beating up a weak Iraq.

Oh well. Out of our hands. We tried to prevent it by voting, but the Government wanted Bush. They ignored our votes and took Bush anyway.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
You are right that are thought are pretty much moot at this point. But what can we do if not complain?

good luck tonight General.

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
How about asking him these quesgtions

Do we have eough bombs?
Shouldnt we make a few more just for kicks.
What are we going to do with the dead?
Think you could save me a camel?
Do you think the press shold be that close?
Are all their women that ugly?
Is that the reason thier always mad?
Can we make Iraq the 53rd State?
Will gas prices drop?
Can we let Jesse Jackson have Iraq and get him the hell out of the US?

Cant win if you don't Play!!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nhoj:
How about asking him these quesgtions

Do we have eough bombs?
Shouldnt we make a few more just for kicks.
What are we going to do with the dead?
Think you could save me a camel?
Do you think the press shold be that close?
Are all their women that ugly?
Is that the reason thier always mad?
Can we make Iraq the 53rd State?
Will gas prices drop?
Can we let Jesse Jackson have Iraq and get him the hell out of the US?

Cant win if you don't Play!!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It is comments like these that give americans a reputaion for bieng unintelligent rednecks. Do you have an actual response to the questions? Or just a few more painfully bad jokes.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I have a more logical response for the reason I'm no longer interested in those questions: BECAUSE THAT'S ALL WE'VE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST SIX WEEKS! REPETITION IS MIND-NUMBING!

Sorry for shouting but if you haven't yet read the arguments, wow. If you have and don't agree, fine, but beating a dead camel is as bad as a dead horse.


New member
Sep 21, 2004

I have yet to read a good, thought out retort to these questions by anyone on this forum. You may find it redundant, but until the questions are answered, they will continue to be asked.

Anyone else want to dodge the questions?
The time for talk is over. We'll see in a matter of hours. When the whole truth is out you lefties should be ashamed of yourselves for standing with the murdering dictator.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Here are your responses.... enjoy.

(1) Isn’t it possible that invading Iraq will cause more terrorism than it prevents?

Yes, when you attack your enemy it is more than likely they will fight back.

(2) If Saddam is really a threat to the Middle East, why do his neighbors seem to fear him less than the U.S. government does?

Israel and Kuwait love Iraq and its SCUD's

(3) Why do you maintain that Iraq poses a more immediate threat than North Korea?

First, Saddam poses the threat not Iraq.
Second, a man that posesses the 2nd largest oil fields in the World cannot be allowed to have WMD.

(4) Why do you believe a U.S.-led “regime change” will do any more good in Iraq than it did in Panama, Haiti, or Bosnia?

Panama, Haiti and Bosnia have no oil or WMD, we will spend much more time and money on Iraq.

(5) You say Saddam has refused to comply with U.N. weapons inspectors. Does that mean that you intend to subject Americans to U.N. mandates in the future?

No, We wanted to get UN support, it didn't work. So now we go in without UN support, that is our right as a nation.

(6) You point out that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction that “could” be turned over to terrorists. But couldn’t the same be said of Pakistan, North Korea, and dozens of other nations? And do you intend to launch pre-emptive strikes against them as well?

Again, those countries have little or no natural resources. Iraq is a different situation. By them having all that oil and WMD it would make them too powerful and dangerous. Why attack a beehive that has no honey?

(7) Won’t attacking Iraq make Saddam more likely to launch a biological or chemical attack?

It most likely will. That is what happens when you try to remove someone from power.

(9) Why have you stopped mentioning the name of the one individual who has been most closely linked to the 9/11 attacks: Osama bin Laden?

We are getting ready to go to War with Iraq, we should focus on that because that is our most serious threat.

(10) Finally, Mr. President, if your Iraq policy is so successful, why are Americans more afraid than ever?

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
I think Americans were more afraid on 9/11 and the few days following than they are now. Hopefully this war will prevent that from happening again.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Hopefully this war will prevent that from happening again. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Buddy boy,

In all sincerity, I appreciate the respose. I obviously disagree with many of your statments, but it is obvious you have substance behind your comments and your reasons for feeling the way you do, is not blind patriotism. The reason I say that, is because many are quicker to throw out insults and irrelevent quips, as opposed to engaging in a real discusion. It is clear you are above that.

I would like to comment on the oil that you made reference to in a few of your retorts. While the presence of oil in Iraq certainly adds to thier finacial power, and ability, I think you are overating thier ability to threaten America. Despite thier oil, Iraq is still VERY primitive. They live in caves, and thier missles can really only travel a short distance. The threat, to me is regional and less substantial than that of North Korea(among others). I feel that despite the oil, Iraq is still less threatening then the other two thirds of the "axis of evil".

I also feel that as a country we are pretty much disregarding the UN. Imagine if the UN tried to sanction the U.s. (Understanding this is unlikely and hypothetical) Our leaders would merely laugh it off. I just feel that our GOv is showing a little too much arrogance in its dealings with the un. Afterall We have vetoed sanctions against Israel. Too much hypocrisy in my opinion. Ia lso agree with general when he states that this war will NOT decrease terrorism, and will more likely increase it. Perhaps the most pressing issue in this war.

Still, despite our differing points of view, I appreciate that you have not stooped to the juvenile bantering that, in my opinion, gives war supporters with the ability to debate rationally a bad name.

Good day

New member
Sep 21, 2004
chonce: my, buy you're pretty admonishing for someone whose apparent first posting on the subject of war was on March 18th.

As far as the arguments that have been made, that's a matter of your opinion, which you are most welcome to. However, the 'juvenile' bantering you're accusing war supporters of is more than shared by the anti-war supporters - enough to go around for all.

But I do admire your insult of 'dodging the questions' - that's a good one, I almost coughed up my raw steak when I read that one. Please, don't get upset that some people are tired of answering those questions over and over - they have been. But I do like one of the questions where you mention the efficacy of regime change while nimbly skipping over Afghanistan.
saddam is the same guy that said...."my biggest mistake was not having nuclear weapons when i invaded kuwait".....why not?.....because the israeli`s had enough common sense to bomb his french built nuclear reactor before he could produce nuclear weapons....if they hadn`t,he would have been lobbing nukes into israel instead of scuds..about 3 hiroshima- sized nuclear weapons effectively wipes out israel......this would be a very different world...

you guys need to put the bush hating.....the gore-bush election fiasco,and partisan politics in general to the side until this is over and we get our boys back home...

and i`m certainly not worried about our boys getting hit with chemical or biological weapons....saddam got rid of them....the inspectors haven`t found any in 12 years....saddam himself said yesterday,he doesn`t have them anymore....that`s why 17 resolutions were passed....we will be proven wrong....just because he gassed his own people.invaded 2 neighboring countries.....lobbed scuds into israel while they sat on their hands.....burned kuwaiti oil fields and created an unprecedented ecological disaster that is still being cleaned up today.......no chance that he will ever try and purchase w`s of m d on the black market......that doesn`t mean he hasn`t changed........right????


[This message was edited by sphincter on 03-19-03 at 04:58 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004

We can agree to disagree

I respect your views.

I'm not going to change your mind anymore than you are going to change mine.

Let's work on changing the minds of the people that are "undecided". The funny thing is that depending on who gets to them first is what side they will take.


have a great day and be safe
I have known Chonce for over a year & ½. He is a good guy.

Just because he knows this war is silly, doesnt make him any less a good guy.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I have a more logical response for the reason I'm no longer interested in those questions <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Jazz, did you forget your first post ****


1- I love you!
2- The check is in the mail!
3- I wont cum in your mouth!

[This message was edited by The General on 03-19-03 at 04:19 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004

For one thing, I have read many of the archived posts, so because I didnt comment, I do have a firmn grasp of the general sentiment here. The assumption that becasue I have not posted much ,my opinion is not valid, is just that...an assumption. It is common knowledge that assumptions are agumentitive fallacies.I will concede that there is "juvenile bantering" amongst some who share my view. Howver based on what I have read(And I realize I am not a vet on this forum, but still entitled to observation and opinion) the it has been more frequent from the pro-war supporters.

WHen I made the "dodge the question"comment it wasnt meant as an insult. I simply felt that no one was addresing it. I guess you are tired of answering these questions? Thats fine, you didnt have to respond. I am still interested in hearing the opinions of those who are not tired of answering them. IS this a reprehensible idea?

I personbally feel the questions are still worth addresiing. I have not grown as apathetic to the content of those querys as you have. That doesnt mean the questions were out of line. They were most definitly not.

I am not trying to start a pissing contest here, just some conversation. I pesonally feel that nhoj comments are signs that he does not have a valid response. Likewise I feel that simply stating that the questions are no longer an issue, or worth addresing is a pretty weak response. I am sorry if you find that redundant, but it is the way I feel.


New member
Sep 21, 2004

I am not in the buisness of defending Saddamm Hussien. This is a debate on method. I am for disarming him without risking the lives of 250,000 of our soldiers. I am trying to to get them home. There is no denying saddamm is evil. However the threat he poses is lesser than many other counrties, and our motives for this war are based on greed and arrogance.

My opposition to this war is not because I am bitter about the 2000 election. I mentioned that I got these questions from a liberterian website. Not some left wing site. I am not a registered democrat. I am an independent who likes smaller government.

The question is not ; Is saddam Evil? We all know the answer to that.

It goes deeper than that. The government keeps reminding us through propaghanda that saddamm is evil. I still find it unneccasary to risk the lives of a quarter million soldiers so we can steal oil. If you dont believes our motives for this war are driven by that, then you are in my opinion, WAY too trusting of our government.

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